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Crawling out from under a cultural rock: GMSA @ 9's #RookieReviews

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SAN ANTONIO – Novice movie reviews from a cinematic rock-dweller are coming to GMSA @ 9. 

A casual conversation between Mark Austin, Leslie Mouton, KSAT 12 News Director Bernice Kearney and myself revealed one of my most shocking traits: I am ridiculously uncultured when it comes to movies. 

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It's a fun party game: Call out rapid-fire names of movies you're sure everyone has seen. I've probably never seen most of them. 

But Bernice and Leslie were way past amused; they were flabbergasted. 

Talks of movie weekends at Bernice's house happened. We joked about a blog and I joked about what to do with movie premiere invitations I kept getting in my email.

That's how #RookieReviews was born. 

The premise is simple: An average person with no background in movies reviews new movies hitting theaters, while also reviewing the classics. 

I had RSVP'd to a premiere of "The Mummy" but didn't make it. So Mark lugged his Blu-ray player to the station along with a few classic movies to get me started. First assignment: "The Shawshank Redemption." 

I'll get through these classics as soon as I can, but I also want to hit movie theaters, so come awards season, I can chime in. 

But as Bernice told me, I'm no Shalit or Ebert. These won't be fancy, technical reviews from cinema buffs. These are reviews for the layman. Let's talk about these movies as you would on Twitter or with your friends. 

So stay tuned! Feel free to send suggestions, too. Not so much obscure indie favorites, but rather the obvious important movies from a particular generation. 

For example: 

"Gone With the Wind"? Never seen it. 

"The Green Mile"? Nope. 

"Grease"? Bits and pieces, but never beginning to end. 

"Sixteen Candles"? I had them on a cake, I'm sure, but never a movie. 

Follow along on GMSA @ 9 and shoot me suggestions on Facebook (click here) or Twitter, @ellierosetx! Make sure to use the hashtag #RookieReviews and #GMSAat9.



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