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Demonstrators gather at federal courthouse after decision in Marquise Jones trial

SAN ANTONIO – A small demonstration took place in front of the federal courthouse where a verdict was handed down Thursday morning in the Marquise Jones shooting civil case.

A federal jury decided against Jones' family in its civil lawsuit against the city and the off-duty San Antonio police officer who killed Jones in 2014 at a Northeast Side drive-through.

Among the protesters was Jones' mother, who was visibly upset in the wake of the outcome and frustrated by how the defense portrayed her son, including his criminal history.

"My son was a good kid, and he was my child. I don't care. He was perfect in my eyes. And I just can't believe that anybody on that jury that has a child, their heart must have been so cold to let this man walk out of here with a smile on his face,” Cheryl Jones said.

Cheryl Jones said the family will appeal Thursday’s decision. 


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