SAN ANTONIO – While one East Side woman continues to wonder when it will be her neighborhood's turn for sidewalk repair, city officials pointed out it's not their responsibility.
"I want to know when it's going to get done," Elizabeth Campos said. "It's really, really out of hand and it needs to get fixed."
Campos lives in the the 1000 block of Rigsby Avenue.
The lifelong San Antonio resident said she's been asking city leaders for the last eight years to address her safety concerns.
When Campos does walk up and down the street she's lived on for nearly 50 years, she does so carefully.
"I've seen people get off the bus, and they have a wheelchair, and they're just struggling to come down the sidewalk," Campos said. She added the disrepair forces people to use the street.
"You can't go out to that community and see conditions there without having empathy for the people who live there," the city's transportation and capital improvements assistant director Anthony Chukwudolue said.
Chukwudolue pointed out city code puts sidewalk maintenance on property owners. However, the department is still working with Campos.
"In this instance, this is one that's been a priority, and we're looking at that to try to see what we can do in the near term to help that neighborhood," Chukwudolue said.
"I'll take what I can get as long as it can get done," Campos said.
The city of San Antonio does have a pilot sidewalk cost-sharing program, where property owners and the city share the cost of installing or replacing sidewalks. For more information, click here.