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Fundraiser held to support family of fallen firefighter Scott Deem

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The community came together on Saturday to support the family of fallen firefighter Scott Deem.

A fundraiser was held at Little Woodrow’s Stone Oak.

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The event included a barbecue plate sale and a silent auction.

Proceeds will be donated to Deem's family.

Little Woodrow’s event coordinator said the establishment decided to throw the event because they wanted to do their part to help out.

"We couldn't not do it. That’s how it came together. We have an awesome community here,” events coordinator Braunda Smith said.

Another fundraiser will be held Sunday. The barbecue plate sale and live music event will benefit the families of both Deem and injured firefighter Brad Phipps.


The event starts at 2 p.m. Sunday at Cooter Brown's Saloon off Bandera Road. Each plate will be $10.



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