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I-35 Closure: Why TxDOT does 'Spurs Breaks'

Construction prompts 2 closures on I-35 this weekend

SAN ANTONIO – Starting at 9 p.m. on Friday, the main lanes in both directions of Interstate 35 between Rittiman Road and George Beach Avenue will be closed for construction. 

TRAFFIC ALERT: 2 closures on I-35 this weekend

They will open for a few hours to allow traffic for the Spurs game at the AT&T Center.

The "Spurs Break," as Texas Department of Transportation calls it, will be from 6 p.m. to 11 p.m. 

This is the second time this year a weekend construction project was given a break for the sake of basketball. 

Josh Donat, a TxDOT spokesman, spoke with Mark and Leslie on GMSA @ 9 to talk about why they created this strategy.

Watch the video above to learn why these "Spurs Breaks" exist.


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