
Speed dating helps senior citizens get better acquainted

Igo Branch Library event emphasizes social aspect of elderly people's health

May is Older American Month, which gives people a chance to pay tribute to senior citizens.

Senior citizens are also taking advantage of ideas to keep healthy, mentally, physically and socially.

The Igo Branch Library held an event Thursday that emphasized the social aspect of an elderly person's health.

"To get acquainted. That helps overcome loneliness that many older people feel," Irene Scharf of the Igo Branch Library said.

The event, Senior Speed Connect, is an offshoot of speed dating. But since the ratio of men to woman was off at the library, it was more of a "get to know different people" event.

The participants were given a sheet with some off-the-wall questions, including, Should kids be forced to try new food? Would you rather travel 50 years back or 50 years forward?

The seniors were told to approach at least 10 people they didn't already know.

"I love it, the questions are very deep, some of them, so it is very interesting to know things about people," Blanca Garcia, a participant, said.

"This event is great because it gives you and opportunity to meet people on a personal basis," Jose Elizondo, a participant, said.

The afternoon even gave some of the seniors the inspiration to continue doing things they love.

I have met different people doing different things that I am interested in doing myself," Garcia said.

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