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Join KSAT Insider for free, exclusive benefits. Here’s how to sign up.

Become a KSAT Insider and join a community more than 50,000 strong

Become a KSAT Insider for free benefits like exclusive content, event invites, contests and giveaways and a two-way relationship with KSAT 12 journalists. (KSAT/Andrew Wilson)

At KSAT 12, we’re expanding our free membership program to offer even more exclusive benefits to KSAT Insiders.

We’re talking exclusive local content, experiences, events, an Insider-only newsletter and giveaways.

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Who doesn’t like free stuff, right?


But the most important part of the program is fostering personal connections and meaningful relationships between viewers, readers and KSAT 12 journalists.

Members of KSAT Insider help power and inform our news coverage through two-way interactions with the newsroom. That could be joining a live Q&A, attending an event, giving feedback or perspective on a story, or sharing images with our meteorologists via KSAT Connect.

So whether you’re interested in joining the free program for the exclusive local content, the fun, the community or simply because you want to support local journalism, we’d love to welcome you. And we’ll continue to roll out new benefits based on your feedback.

Join KSAT Insider for free by registering an account and verifying your email here.

-Kolten Parker, Digital Executive Producer

KSAT Insider benefits

The best part about all of this? It’s all free! Just by joining KSAT, you’re signed up for these features and more.

How to join KSAT Insider

Becoming a member is a simple process that requires an email address, a user name and a password on the main Insider page. Once you verify your email, you will immediately unlock all the exclusive benefits.

You can access the sign-up page in the top right-hand corner of any page on Once you register, that’s also where you will access your personalized profile page.

Access KSAT Insider in the top right-hand corner of any page on (KSAT)

If you have any questions or feedback about the program, please email us at

About the Author
Kolten Parker headshot

Kolten Parker is Manager of Content and Coverage at KSAT. He moved into the role in 2024, after five years of leading the digital team. Kolten is an award-winning journalist and a proud Texas State Bobcat. He's a triathlete who loves the outdoors and sports. When not working, he likes to hang out with his wife and travel.
