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Amber Riley Leads Powerful Sing-Along to Beyoncé's 'Freedom' During Black Lives Matter Protest

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Amber Riley channeled her inner Beyoncé at a protest in Los Angeles following the fatal arrest of George Floyd.

The Glee star took to Instagram late Tuesday, sharing a video of herself getting on a megaphone and belting out a powerful rendition of "Freedom," from Beyoncé's Lemonade album.

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"I'm telling these tears, 'Gonna fall away, fall away,'" she sang, as the crowd clapped along. "May the last one burn into flames."

Riley then encouraged the other peaceful protestors to join in the chorus, singing, "Freedom! Freedom! I can't move. Freedom, cut me loose!"

Riley then took to Twitter, to encourage her fans to use their platforms to speak up and fight for justice. "We all have voices. I don’t care how many followers you have. All of our voices and how we utilize our platforms is important," she advised. "If it’s 10 followers, radicalize them, make them believers in themselves that they can change the world and themselves for the better!"

"Don’t rely on celebrities," she added. "You have free agency to use every amazing gift you have to fight for truth and justice. Do YOUR part. YOU are necessary. PERIODT!"

Meanwhile, on her own Instagram page, Lizzo got emotional while talking about finding hope amid the ongoing protests.

"This is the most outrage I've seen as a country and that is starting to give me the first semblance of hope that I've had in a long time," she shared. "I really do believe in the good in people and maybe that makes me naive, but I've seen Minneapolis rise up and do incredible things and this isn't the first time."

"I am just one person and this is just one person's thoughts, one person's point of view, and you watching, you're just one person, but what we do when we actually come together for each other is what the future of this country is all about," she added. "It definitely ain't about the past. It is a better future."

The singer also made a catchy video on Tuesday to remind people that they should exercise their right to vote in the presidential primaries.

Hear more in the video below.


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