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From puzzles to Pelotons: What KSAT viewers splurged on during the pandemic

See how your spending compared to other San Antonians

As we begin to start to return to our pre-pandemic lives, we wanted to know what kind of things KSAT viewers bought while they were at home during the quarantine. The responses ranged from the inexpensive all the way to purchases worth hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Below are 30 answers from social media, but we still want to hear from you! Let us know in the comments what you bought and how you feel about it now. Sign up for a free account here.

Tune into Good Morning San Antonio on KSAT 12 on Friday morning to see if anchors Stephanie Serna and Mark Austin talk about your response.

And if you want your answer included in the next story follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter so you can be the first to see our questions. And make sure to tune into GMSA each morning from 4:30 a.m. to 7 a.m. and 9 a.m. on weekday mornings and and 6 a.m. and 8 a.m. on weekend mornings.

We now have a puzzle obsession. In the last year, we’ve gotten at least 2 one thousand piece puzzles a month. Even though we’re not actually in a lockdown anymore, we keep buying puzzles. It’s rewarding to finish each one, & cheaper than therapy!

shootertim on Instagram

Peloton, a bunch of sweaters, and non-kid-friendly drinks with a cellar to store them

Rebecca L. Salinas on Twitter

An above ground pool during the winter months when they were all on sale and back in stock. The kids have played in it every day that it has been warm and weather permitting. A great investment!

Rachel Di Pace on Facebook

Groceries! Eating out is our “bad habit” and the pandemic made us eat at home more. Even though we ate out a lot, I do love to cook and fell in love with it again.

Terri on Twitter

TikTok leggings 😂😂

destinyyrenee_barber on Instagram

I got a water dispenser cause EVERY case of bottled water was sold out. Best purchase ever. No more wasted plastic filling my recycle bin AND it has a coffee dispenser so it was a win win!

DemocraTX on Twitter

A generator!!! I want to be prepared just in case we lose power again. It will power my whole house. 😍 I even bought it a lil tent for all the rain we have been having.

garrdeannofmygalaxy on Instagram

Treadmill. And tons and tons of margaritas to go

bdlg_020507 on Instagram

Paid my car (both payment and insurance) in advance of a total of 6 months, a new laptop for class, and a PS5

Steven Alexander Williams on Facebook

New house 🏡 and new furniture 🙌🙏

ivonne_castillo70 on Instagram

Roller skates for me, my daughter and my granddaughter.

charles_and_janie1994 on Instagram

I bought the some of the main materials to start my bling T-shirt business.

thehumblepilgrim377 on Instagram

Inflatable swimming pool.

Janet Santellan Ramon on Twitter

I bought my Peloton 1 month before the shut down and so glad I did.

My pandemic purchase was a Cricut machine.

Tomara Leigh Calloway on Facebook

Saved money...helped my daughter get a car and paid her tuition!

mextex1954 on Instagram

I bought almost every scrapbook paper collection that came out last year since there was nothing else to spend my money on.

Pam Allen Sohan on Facebook

New car, new bike, new furniture, expensive wine bottles... I was out of control 😭

andro_aguirre on Instagram

New sod for yard n patio set. It makes me smile to have grass

sheilamontoya82 on Instagram

A 1980 Coupe De Ville. I needed something interesting to drive and work on.

Bill Stoneberg on Facebook

Outdoor screen and projector 📽!!

sapphiresanantonio on Instagram

Nintendo Switch & a leather sectional that cost me 5K, no biggie

Rose on Twitter

Drinkworks home bar by Keurig. It was awesome and saved the day during this pandemic. Now that everything is opening back up, it’s still awesome! I love it.

Marisa Urrutia on Facebook

$600 dyson vacuum. V11 outsize. I don’t regret it, I use it everyday and i love how clean it makes things :D

bisquickks on Instagram

When the lock down first started, I bought an 8″ Le Creuset non-stick skillet and taught myself how to make classic French omelets.

I was so pleased with the results that I bought the 11" one.

I then taught myself how to make various egg-based dishes such as egg foo young, stove top fritatta, and so on.

Currently trying to master "tornado omelets".

Monica Salyer on Facebook

A hedgehog lol

Elise Garcia on Facebook

I bought an apartment- AirPods- Tory Burch - clothes - trip to Florida- & lots of donations

milaa_carolinaa on Instagram

Ninja coffee maker! To make up for not grabbing coffee out :)

sarahmcconnell74 on Instagram

An exercise bike

New couches

New floors

Painted my cabinets

New entry table

New sideboard for the dining room

More bookshelves

Also built a deck

Victoria Anguiano on Facebook

A puppy 🐶

Sam Strong on Facebook

Toilet paper.. before everyone else bought it all 🤦‍♀️

Dee Diaz on Facebook
RELATED: Doing a little online shopping? 11 items I bought (and loved!) in quarantine
RELATED: 15 things we all did in 2020 that became part of ‘quarantine culture’
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About the Author
Andrew Wilson headshot

Andrew Wilson is a digital journalist and social media producer at KSAT.