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How much do you know about some of the most famous women in history?

Test your knowledge with this quiz on historic female pioneers

Mona Cahill, costumed as a women suffrage activist, stands in front of the Women's Rights Pioneers statue in New York's Central Park. The statue, created by sculptor Meredith Bergmann and featuring Sojourner Truth, Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton, is the first monument in the park honoring any female historical figures. (AP Photo/Kevin Hagen) (Kevin Hagen, Kevin Hagen)

March marks Women’s History Month, and the world has spent the past few weeks highlighting and remembering some of the most famous achievements by women throughout the course of history.

But what exactly are some of those accomplishments -- and who are these women who made groundbreaking history?

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While there isn’t enough space on the quiz below to highlight ALL the pioneering women, it does give a look back at how women have shaped history, and just might teach you a thing or two about those accomplishments.

Try your hand at the quiz below.