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Reporter’s Notebook: Reflecting on Uvalde school shooting

Through reporter Leigh Waldman’s experience, we invite you to learn about our role as journalists & members of this community

KSAT journalists had a duty to be with Uvalde — part of our South Texas community — after a gunman opened fire at Robb Elementary School on May 24.

This involved a team of reporters in Uvalde and an entire newsroom in San Antonio, ensuring new developments reached the affected.

KSAT: What was your role on the day of the Uvalde school shooting?

What was the scene at Uvalde’s civic center, the designated reunification center?

I remember seeing the broadcast from that day and being impressed by your professionalism. Was it difficult to stay composed with a story that shook your core?

Having spent days in Uvalde, what did you learn about this community?

You shared online that you visited the memorial sites in Uvalde — what was the scene there?

I saw you were in Washington, D.C., for the U.S. House committee hearing on gun violence earlier this month. What came out of that hearing?

What message do you have for the victims’ families and the Uvalde community?

Is there anything else you’d like to share?