As many people probably know, most of us aren’t born with an addiction, so how do people become addicted to something, anyway?
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration says it happens gradually, but it always begins with experimentation.
Experts say that when you break it down, addiction is a mental disorder — a compulsive engagement with something that makes you feel rewarded or happy, despite the fact that the experience can bring unfavorable consequences.
And even though addiction ultimately begins with experimentation, the group said, a combination of behavioral, environmental and biological factors are major contributors, as well.
The leading cause of addiction, officials say, is genetics. Simply put, it can be something parents, grandparents or great-grandparents have passed down through generations.
Environmental factors that can lead to addiction include:
- An unstable home.
- Peer or parental drug use.
- A lack of support or self-assurance.
The bad news, experts added, is that people who are already living with other mental disorders have a higher risk of suffering from addiction.
Addictive substances: Top 10
The list of addictive substances and activities is extensive.
Among the common addictions, opioid abuse is rising. According to SAMHSA, the top 10 most common addictions are:
Recognizing the problem
The lack of recognition of the problem and a lack of understanding about addiction, as well as how it can affect someone, can lead to a high percentage of addicts unaware that they even have an issue, according to SAMHSA. Addiction is more common than many people realize.
Discussing addiction is especially important because it often goes undiagnosed or misdiagnosed.
SAMHSA data shows that about 20 million people age 12 or older in the United States were affected by addiction in 2017, and at least 100 people die of drug addiction daily.
Understanding the addiction spectrum
The stages of addiction affect many people, and once the cycle begins, it is hard to break.
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Do you have a loved one who might land on the spectrum? SAMHSA encourages people to seek medical attention and not self-diagnose.
For more information on opioid abuse, read Opioid Nation: An American Epidemic.