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Know the signs of mild cognitive impairment

NEW YORK (Ivanhoe Newswire) – More than 6 million Americans have Alzheimer’s disease, and an estimated 11 million family, friends, and unpaid caregivers are caring for them.

Knowing the signs of early dementia, also known as mild cognitive impairment, or MCJ, is critical so patients and their families can get support as soon possible.

Sandy Vincent never imagined that she’d reach retirement age, and then become a caregiver again for her 96-year-old mother, Margaret.

“She forgets. She’ll call me Sandy. Other times, I’m Irene, who was her cousin. Sometimes she’ll say to me, ‘how’s your mother?’” Vincent said.

Experts say the top three signs of MCJ are memory loss, especially new information, difficulty performing daily tasks and losing language skills.

Dr. Manisha Parulekar is a geriatric medicine specialist at Hackensack University Medical Center. As symptoms of MCJ begin to appear, she recommends that families help loved ones write down their routines.

“For some reason, the visual pathway seems to be staying longer with the patients,” Parulekar said.

Use post-it notes in a prominent place.

“They’re going in the bathroom, brush your teeth, breaking it down in simple steps and putting it on the post it so that they understand it,” Parulekar said.

If sentences become stilted, determine which words might be troublesome. List others they can use and practice. Losing language skills can lead to depression.

“They don’t remember the words and then they stop talking to people, then they start isolating themselves. And then it’s sort of a downhill course,” Parulekar said.

“There are times where, you know, she’ll say she’ll complete sentences and everything and make sense. And then there are other times that I guess she can’t find the words,” Vincent said about her mother.

Research suggests that music may help patients with dementia. Musical memories are often preserved because key brain areas linked to music are relatively undamaged by the disease. Until recently, Vincent’s mother would sing along to her favorite songs from the 1940′s which would allow her to practice her language skills.
