Eagle Ford Shale fracking companies hold job fair for military veterans

Mayor's office, City Council hosts job fair

SAN ANTONIO – Military veterans looking for work were invited to a job fair Thursday at the San Antonio Convention Center where they could talk one-on-one with companies that operate along the Eagle Ford Shale play.

"We want to hire ... veterans as they bring a lot of experience to the table," said Rene Montalvo, with Chesapeake Energy.

That experience is what out-of-work vets hope fracking companies are basing their hiring on.

"I don't want them to look at me as just being a vet," said Army Sgt. Quinton Humphrey. "I want them to look at me as basically saying, 'I am qualified for this position.'"

Humphrey spent nine years in the Army in logistics.

After the job fair, Humphrey said he left a couple of applications and made a couple of serious contacts and felt pretty good about his future.

"My future goal is to be a manager in one of these organizations," Humphrey said.

Mayor Julian Castro and his staff, along with City Council members, helped organize the job fair.

"We have a lot of veterans that are coming home looking for work," Castro said. "They have a great skill set because of their military background and they have a lot to offer these companies. We're glad that that can be a big component of it."

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