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Kentucky Chinese restaurant shut down after roadkill found in kitchen

Red Flower Chinese Restaurant caught with dead deer in kitchen

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The Red Flower Chinese Restaurant in Kentucky was shut down after it was caught with roadkill in the kitchen.

A customer says she saw employees bring a dead deer into the restaurant last Thursday and called the health department.

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"There was this tail, a big, white, fuzzy, tail. A leg was sticking out of the garbage can. They had a box on top of it. They were wheeling it in there, like really quick, like trying to hurry. One of the other employees was mopping up blood that was dripping out of the garbage and on to the floor," said Katie Hopkins.

The Whitley County Health Department inspected the restaurant and said the owner admitted to bringing in roadkill after finding it on the highway. This prompted the restaurant to be immediately shut down.

According to WYMT-TV, the restaurant owner told the health department that he wasn't going to serve the road kill to customers, but instead to his family.

The Red Flower Chinese Restaurant will not face any fines and the health department said the restaurant can reopen if they pass a secondary health inspection.

Customers were shocked by the news, with many saying they don't know if they'll be back, if and when the restaurant re-opens.