
Man claims he killed Bigfoot in San Antonio

Bigfoot tracker says he bagged Bigfoot in woods near Loop 1604, Highway 151

For decades, people have searched for Bigfoot, offering up large footprints, tufts of hair and often questionable pictures and video to prove the mythical creature's existence.

Right now, the online Bigfoot community is on fire with claims from a controversial man who is saying he shot and killed a Bigfoot in Northwest San Antonio last September.

Rick Dyer is the man who claims he killed Bigfoot. 

He makes a living tracking the mythical creature and runs a website called BigfootTracker.com.

"Bigfoot is 100 percent real. There's no question about that," Dyer said, during a recent Skype interview from his home in Las Vegas, Nev. "I'm going to go down in history as the best Bigfoot tracker in the world."

Over the past four years, Dyer said he has been on 90 expeditions, searching for Bigfoot across the United States, Mexico, Russia and China.

"I have been all over the world searching for Bigfoot. I have moved my family to seven different states. I am dedicated," Dyer said.

It's that dedication that led Dyer to San Antonio. 

The first time he came here was in 2009, shortly after a homeless woman called 911 to report a Bigfoot sighting.

The couple was living in a tent in the woods near Loop 1604 and Highway 151. One night in November 2009, the couple claimed to see a "very large, hairy animal" enter their campsite and take off with a deer carcass.

"This thing was 75 feet away from me," the unidentified woman told a 911 dispatcher. "It smells awful and devoured a whole deer carcass and then took off and screamed, screeched, and took off across the street. I know you guys are going to think I'm crazy but I'm dead serious."

Dyer came across the 911 call on the internet and decided to travel to San Antonio to find the couple that reported the sighting.

Not only did Dyer find the couple, he claims he saw the Bigfoot in the woods behind the Home Depot located off of Loop 1604 near Highway 151.

Dyer didn't get any footage of the beast, or find any other evidence, but he made a commitment to himself to return to San Antonio another day.

It took nearly three years for Dyer to return to the Alamo city to continue his search in September 2012.

This time, he had a documentary film crew in tow, and they all camped out in tents where several homeless people claimed to have seen the creature.

"I nailed ... pork ribs from the WalMart down the street to the side of the tree, and low and behold, he came and started eating the pork ribs off the tree," Dyer said.

Surprised that the sasquatch actually showed up, Dyer said he was only able to grab his cell phone and take a short video clip of the beast just outside his tent.

The now-infamous "tent video" has been picked apart by believers and skeptics all over the internet.

Dyer claimed the creature returned to the campsite a second time. 

This time, he was ready. Instead of grabbing a camera, he grabbed his rifle and shot the Bigfoot.

According to Dyer, he rented a truck and transported the lifeless body to an undisclosed location outside of Las Vegas, where it remains.

The body hasn't been shown to the public because Dyer said he has a contractual agreement with the documentary crew that they would get to release their film first.

"Once this film comes out in late March or early April, then we're going to start releasing photos and then eventually the body," Dyer said, adding the body is undergoing testing. "(Investors) have paid for all the necessary testing to prove that this is an unknown creature and not a man in a suit or a caveman or something. This is a Bigfoot."

Rick Dyer is an animated character who admits he is not well liked by the Bigfoot community.

In fact, he said he's "the most hated person in Bigfoot today."

That hatred stems from his involvement in a 2008 Bigfoot hoax. 

Dyer and others claimed they had a body back then and even held a huge news conference but it all turned out to be a big lie.

"When I hoaxed in 2008, I did not believe in Bigfoot," Dyer said. "I thought Bigfoot was the same thing as a tooth fairy or a unicorn."

Dyer even said after the hoax, he starting taking people on Bigfoot tracking expeditions just to make a buck, but the more time he spent in the woods listening to other people's stories, he began to believe.

While many people think his new claims of killing a sasquatch are just another hoax, he's tried to quiet his critics by inviting a "skeptic" from the community to view the body.

Musky Allen, believed to be a fake name, was invited to view the body. 

After seeing it and spending about 20 minutes examining the remains, Allen gave a lengthy interview to a popular Facebook group called Facebook Find Bigfoot.

In the interview, Allen said the body was about 8 feet tall and weighed about 500 pounds.

"What I saw was a sasquatch, and there's no question in my mind it was at one point a living creature," Allen said. "(The feet) were extremely wide from the center up to the toes and it had completely hair-covered feet. So much so, it was extremely hard to find the toes. I had to actually pull back some hair to see the toes."

Despite his best efforts to convince people he has a Bigfoot body, Dyer's critics continue to pick apart his story, saying it's only a matter of time before it's exposed as another hoax.

Dyer insists he's telling the truth.

"Once the film company releases their film, there will be no doubt in anyone's mind that Bigfoot exists," Dyer said. "I'm not asking you to believe, I'm just asking you to wait and let me show you the proof."

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