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Bexar County cadet arrested on DWI charges

Toni Michelle Villaloboz suspended indefinitely

Toni Michelle Villaloboz, 43, was charged with DWI. At the time of her arrest, Villaloboz was a cadet with the Bexar County Sheriff's Office. The charges will likely derail her hopes of becoming a detention officer, officials said.

SAN ANTONIO – A cadet with the Bexar County Sheriff's Office was arrested on DWI charges.

These charges will likely derail her hopes of becoming a detention officer, officials said.

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Toni Michelle Villaloboz, 43, was arrested after being stopped on suspicion of DWI.

She was booked and charged and, according to sheriff's officials, had been suspended indefinitely.

If convicted, she will be disqualified from becoming an officer.

Sheriff Susan Pamerleau said she had no tolerance for drinking and driving among her officers.