SAN ANTONIO – Through the years, Medina Lake has been a poster child for drought. While the rains overnight and today seemed promising, so far they have had little effect on the lake.
"The ground needs to be soaked so much, you know, and we need more than a couple inches to do that out here," said resident Michael Valadez.
Experts agree, estimating that six to seven events, like the current one, back-to-back, might be what it takes to return the lake to its former glory.
While water did appear to be spilling into the lake, so far levels had only risen minimally. Valadez said, he however, would not be losing hope.
"No, no I'm having faith because I believe, I do believe in a higher power that it's going to come," said Valadez. "Myself, personally, inside, I believe it's getting closer to that day that it's going to come back.