SAN ANTONIO – Searchers looking for the woman whose body was stolen from a North Side funeral home discovered the decomposed corpse of another apparent victim Saturday morning.
Those searchers located the body in a heavily wooded area of McAllister Park.
"It was kind of shocking to me because I heard the helicopter since I live in the area. I wasn't sure what happened then I went online and saw what had happened," said Park visitor Mike Wilson.
Orlando Hernandez said he frequents the park often and was shocked to hear what had happened.
"I'm out here all the time. Ive never had any problems, never seen any trouble,"
The search effort was led by Mission Funeral Home owner Dick Tips.
"We are going to search every park. Mission Park has been in business for over 100 years and if it takes me 100 years to find and search every single park in San Antonio that's what we are going to do," Tips said.
Police say the body could have been in that remote area for about a month, and is badly decomposed.
They say it does appear to be a homicide but does not appear the body is that of 25- year old Julie Mott.
Mott died of cystic fibrosis on Aug. 8 and her body disappeared after her funeral service at Mission Park North two weeks ago.
"We feel strongly that it is not but we are going to wait until the medical examiner does their investigation and confirmation and DNA process to confirm who it is,” San Antonio Police Department spokesman Douglas Greene said.
An officer on the scene said the body had been burned, but SAPD spokesman Doug Greene would not confirm that information.
Tips is offering a reward of $20,000 dollars for information on the disappearance. If you have any information you're asked to call 210-225-TIPS.