
Police warning drivers about 'sliders' at gas pumps

The most recent case was reported in January along Austin Highway

SAN ANTONIO – Police across the country are warning drivers about thieves called "sliders." They are criminals who are taking advantage of distracted drivers at the gas pump. The sliders crouch down, open an unlocked car door, and steal valuables, while a driver is occupied.

"While somebody is pumping gas or distracted inside, someone is slipping by, just driving by, either the driver or the passenger of the suspect vehicle will slowly reach in, open an unlocked vehicle, and grabbing whatever items are in the front seat," said Sgt. Pat Michalec, with the San Antonio Police Department.

Michalec says this type of crime is avoidable, if drivers use caution before pulling up to the pumps.

"Always take your merchandise," Michalec said. "Don't let it be something that the criminal sees and it's an easy taking, because that's when they're going to grab it."

Aside from not leaving your valuables in plain sight, experts say choose gas station that's busy and well-lit, and try to gas up during daylight hours.

Most importantly, Michalec said, set aside all distractions when you're pumping gas, and instead pay attention to your surroundings.

San Antonio police spokesman Doug Green said they have not seen many slider cases in the area, but there was one last month at a Valero off Austin Highway. Green said the slider took a woman's purse from her car, as she was pumping gas.

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