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Sequence of events revealed in Elizabeth Contreras murder case

Apparent deadly love affair

SAN ANTONIO – New details were released in the murder investigation of a case in which a man is accused of killing his wife. Investigators revealed that cellphone and GPS records helped map a deadly trail of events.

According to an affidavit, it appears it was a dangerous love affair that ended with a homicide.

Police said the victim, 39-year-old Elizabeth Contreras, and the suspect, a 39-year-old delivery man named Guadalupe Contreras, knew each other well.

“Our understanding is that the victim and the suspect were married at some time, well are married, but separated,” said Officer Doug Greene, a San Antonio Police Department spokesperson.

Police said the victim had been living with her ex-husband. The report also stated the suspect was in a relationship with the victim's older half sister with whom he had children.

Reports showed the victim and suspect had been seeing each other again, but around 11 p.m. on Aug. 2, things turned deadly.

"Aug. 2 was the last time she was seen, but on Aug. 3 she was reported missing,” Greene said.

Investigators said the victim's cellphone and GPS data from the suspect's delivery truck show the two met in the 5000 block of Chive Drive and, based on blood found at the scene, police believe that’s where Guadalupe Contreras killed her.

About a half-hour after the murder, police said, Guadalupe Contreras got into the car his wife had been driving and drove her body to the 12800 block of Old Corpus Christi Road, where he dumped it in a wooded area.

The affidavit said the suspect then drove back to the area where they had met and parked the vehicle on the side of the highway.

"They did locate that vehicle. After further investigation, there was blood found in the vehicle. Some of the personal items of the victim were found in there,” Greene said.

After ditching the vehicle, Contreras allegedly took the victim's cellphone and walked through a hayfield to his truck. Investigators said he tossed the victim's bloody clothes and her cellphone out onto the highway.

Police said Elizabeth Contreras' body was so badly decomposed, they're still trying to figure out an exact cause of death. But they said all the evidence leads them to believe they've arrested and charged the right person with her murder.


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Deven Clarke headshot

Southern Yankee. Native Brooklynite turned proud Texan
