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Map details where Texas hate groups are in 2017

55 hate groups said to be in Texas

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SAN ANTONIO – Hate groups are still active in every state in America in 2017.

According to a map on the Southern Poverty Law Center website, there is a total of 917 active hate groups in the country.

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Of those active groups, 55 are in Texas, including several in San Antonio.

The hate groups range from neo-nazi to black separatists.

55 Texas groups:

  • Faith and Heritage - White Nationalist (Killeen)
  • Daily Stormer - Neo-Nazi (Austin)
  • Israel United in Christ - Black Separatist (Austin)
  • Nation of Islam - Black Separatist (Austin)
  • Power of Prophecy - General Hate (Austin)
  • Southern National Congress - Neo-Confederate (Texas)
  • Atomwaffen Division - Neo-Nazi (San Antonio)
  • ACT for America - Anti-Muslim (San Antonio)
  • Israel United in Christ - Black Separatist (San Antonio)
  • - Holocaust Denial (Kerrville)
  • Ku Klos Knights of the KKK - (Gatesville)
  • New Black Panther Party - Black Separatist (Tomball)
  • Israel United in Christ - Black Separatist (Houston)
  • Conservative Republicans of Texas - Anti-LGBT (Houston)
  • League of the South - Neo-Confederate (Conroe)
  • Stop the Islamization of the World - Anti-Muslim (Houston)
  • ACT for America - Anti-Muslim (Houston)
  • New Black Panther Party - Black Separatist (Houston)
  • Nation of Islam - Black Separatist (Houston)
  • American Freedom Party - White Nationalist (Granbury)
  • East Coast Knights of the True Invisible Empire - KKK (Venus)
  • League of the South - Neo-Confederate (Waxahachie)
  • Nation of Islam - Black Separatist (Fort Worth)
  • Loyal White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan - (Fort Worth)
  • Stedfast Baptist Church - Anti-LGBT (Fort Worth)
  • Bureau on American Islamic Relations - Anti-Muslim (Irving)
  • New Black Panther Party - Black Separatist (Dallas)
  • ACT for America - Anti-Muslim (Dallas)
  • Traditionalist Worker Party - White Nationalist (Dallas)
  • Daily Stormer - Neo-Nazi (Dallas)
  • Nation of Islam - Black Separatist (Dallas)
  • Israel United in Christ - Black Separatist (Dallas)
  • Probe Ministries - Anti-LGBT (Plano)
  • Israel School of Universal Practical Knowledge - Black Separatist (Texas)
  • United Klans of America - KKK (Texas)
  • Soldiers of Odin - Anti-Muslim (Texas)
  • Vinlanders Social Club - Racist Skinhead (Texas)
  • White Lives Matter - White Nationalist (Texas)
  • Gallows Tree Wotansvolk Alliance - Neo-Nazi (Texas)
  • Ku Klos Knights of the KKK - (Texas)
  • National Socialist Movement - Neo-Nazi (Texas)
  • Aryan Renaissance Society - Neo-Nazi (Texas)
  • American Vanguard - White Nationalist (Texas)
  • Texas Rebel Knights of the Ku Klux Klan - (Quinlan)
  • Militant Knights of the Ku Klux Klan - (Flint)
  • Yahushua Dual Seed Christian Identity - Christian Identity (Livingston)
  • League of the South - Neo-Confederate (La Porte)
  • Patriotic Brigade Knights of the Ku Klux Klan - (Gladewater)
  • ISD Records - Hate Music (Denison)
  • Daily Stormer - Neo-Nazi (Wichita Falls)
  • Israel United in Christ - Black Separatist (Corpus Christi)
  • United White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan - (New Boston)
  • Nation of Islam - Black Separatist (Texarkana)
  • Repent Amarillo - General Hate (Amarillo)
  • Tom Brown Ministries - Anti-LGBT (El Paso)

This list was compiled using hate group publications and websites, citizen and law enforcement reports, field sources and news reports. Groups that appear in the center of states represent statewide groups.

'White Lives Matter' rally canceled by Texas A&M officials due to safety concerns

President Donald Trump, facing mounting pressure from Republicans and Democrats alike, did what he declined to do over the weekend during an event at the White House on Monday when he directly condemned white supremacists and neo-Nazis in a brief statement to reporters.

"Racism is evil -- and those who cause violence in its name are criminals and thugs, including KKK, neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and other hate groups are repugnant to everything we hold dear as Americans," Trump said in response to the attacks in Charlottesville, Virginia, over the weekend.

"Those who spread violence in the name of bigotry strike at the very core of America," Trump said.

The comments came in a hastily scheduled White House event in the Diplomatic Reception Room, where Trump -- speaking with the help of a teleprompter -- spoke straight to camera after meeting with FBI Director Christopher Wray and Attorney General Jeff Sessions to discuss the Department of Justice's civil rights investigation into the attack.

"To anyone who acted criminally in this weekend's racist violence, you will be held fully accountable," he said. "Justice will be delivered. "

Trump had been excoriated for his unwillingness to condemn the groups behind the violent protests that left one woman dead who was hit by a car allegedly driven by a man with ties to white supremacy groups.

After blaming the violence "on many sides" Saturday, Trump stayed silent for close to 48 hours, letting his trademark bluntness and campaign pledges to call terrorism what it is, succumb to silence and vagueness.

Trump was asked by reporters after he spoke why he waited so long to condemn these hate groups by name and did not respond.

Additional reporting by WDIV in Detroit. 


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