
Fire department warns of burns from water in garden hoses

Picture posted to warn to other parents

Many of us use the backyard hose to cool off during the summer. But the water in that hose can cause serious burns if you're not careful.

Las Vegas Fire and Rescue recently posted a picture on Twitter of a child who was seriously injured by hot water inside a garden hose.

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The incident happened in Arizona in 2016, but it serves as a startling reminder of the dangers.

The mother told a local Phoenix station that she was filling up a kiddie pool when she accidentally sprayed her child. When he cried, she thought it was because he didn't like getting wet.

Turns out, the water sitting in the hose had heated up in the sun and she didn't realize it when she turned on the faucet.

Las Vegas Fire and Rescue said water in a hose can get up to 130-140 degrees, which can cause burns not only to people, but to animals as well.

They want to remind people to let the water run for a few minutes before spraying anyone.

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