DILLEY, Texas – Dilley resident Mary Ann Obregon welcomes the economic boom the Eagle Ford shale business has brought to their small town, but she also is concerned the shale development and disposal wells may contaminate Dilley's only ground water system.
"If there a spill tractors go through plow the land and cover it up grow he grass contamination," Obregon said.
The past year, Dilley's local businesses have benefited from the shale development and new jobs have come into the area, by means of oil fuel workers.
The Dilley City Administrator said Thursday's town hall meeting was to educate residents about the salt disposal sites in Frio County and in Dilley and how those disposal sites won't contaminate the city's only ground water source.
"Up to now, I have not been told of a single water source that has ever been contaminated," said Noel Perez Dilley City Administrator.
Residents like Obregon believe with proper monitoring the city will grow and flourish safely.
"I don't regret that the oil is here. Awareness is that is our main issue now. Awareness," said Obregon.
Under national guide lines and the federal safe drinking water act, disposal wells are drilled through impermeable rock and made with three layers of steel and concrete to protect groundwater - all three would have to fail simultaneously to affect groundwater.
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