
Family asking for violence to end after losing son in shooting

Second teen killed Monday after vigil

CONVERSE, Texas – Two teenage boys, ages 15 and 16, were shot and killed just a day apart in Converse. One of their families is asking for the violence to come to an end.

A memorial was made to symbolize just how many cared for Reggie Adams, 16.

“Pretty soon we are going to move away from here. It’s just too close to home. My son died within 100 yards from his home,” said Joel Garza, Adams’ stepfather.

Adams was shot in the head Sunday. Police said he and several others were involved in a drug deal.

David Louis Martinez, 30, has been arrested in connection with Adams’ death.

“I believe there were more suspects involved. Witnesses say there was two vehicles here, and I just want someone to come forward and do the right thing by my son,” Garza said.

Garza said he’s still trying to make sense of it all. The worst part, he said, is knowing he won’t ever get to see his son again.

“He was a funny kid. Everyone out here loved him. Everybody who knew him, always wanted him around. He was that light,” Garza said.

Garza said he’s also upset about the death of 15-year-old Noel Gregory Reyna, who was shot and killed Monday night at a Whataburger after Adams’ vigil.

"All I know is Noel was friends with Reggie. As a matter of fact, Noel was here at the vigil that we had for my son. He came up to us and gave his condolences. Not too long after he left, he was gunned down,” Garza said.

Garza said the recent shootings can only be described as senseless.

“Two young boys. Their life hasn’t even started and it got took away,” Garza said.

The Bexar County Sheriff’s Office, along with Kirby and Converse police departments, have stepped up patrols in the areas where Monday’s shooting happened. Sheriff Javier Salazar is asking the person responsible for that shooting to turn himself in and that they already know who he is.

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Reporter, proud Houstonian, U of H alumni, and lover of all the hometown sport teams.

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