LEON VALLEY, Texas – UPDATE: Leon Valley Police say Myles was booked on a charge for allegedly threatening a family member, not for threatening a church shooting, saying they went with the most appropriate charge they had at the time.
Original story:
A Leon Valley man is facing a terroristic threat charge after police say he posted on Facebook that he was "Bout to shoot up a church during the prayer service."
Leon Valley police arrested Terray Davon Myles, 27, in the parking lot of his apartment complex Sunday after receiving a tip from the Southwest Texas Fusion Center, said Leon Valley Police Chief Joseph Salvaggio. Myles did not name a specific target on the social media platform, Salvaggio said, nor did he tell officers.
Though the threat appeared to have been removed from Facebook by Sunday night, Salvaggio said it had read: "Sunday gunday!!! Bout to shoot up a church during the prayer service!!! Wish me luck!!!" Myles was also pictured with an AR-15, a pistol and money, the chief said.
Though the chief said Myles allowed officers to search his car and apartment, they did not find the weapons that were shown on Facebook or any others.
Myles told officers he posted the threat because he was mad, Salvaggio said, but he would not tell officers whether he was actually planning a shooting.
"Anytime anyone makes a threat like that, we're going to take it serious, regardless," Salvaggio said.
The chief also said Myles was angry and abusive in the encounter with officers and told them to shoot and kill him.
He faces a Class B misdemeanor charge of making a terroristic threat.