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Woman convicted in hit-and-run that left soldier disfigured will no longer serve 10-year prison sentence

Previous mugshot of Marisa Ross (KSAT)

SAN ANTONIO – A San Antonio woman who left a solider to die after a hit-and-run will no longer have to serve the rest of her 10-year prison sentence, according to online records.

Marisa Ross was granted shock probation on Friday, records state.

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Shock probation is used as a rehabilitation technique and gives the defendant a taste of prison or jail.

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In August, Ross was sentenced to 10 years in prison. She will now be on probation for 10 years after serving six months, according to Katie Belknap, the victim’s wife.

The life of the soldier she seriously hurt in August 2017 was forever changed.

Matthew Belknap suffered damage to his body and brain, ending his military career. Doctors placed 11 plates and 50 screws between his eyebrow line down to his jawline to put his face back together.

Katie Belknap said she was happy with how court went, and how they built the punishment.

“There wasn’t anyone there. I’m really happy with how court went. The judge did a beautiful job. She took time to pull me into her chambers to discuss and build a punishment. What was decided on was formed with my direct input," Katie Belknap said. “She was given 10 years with monthly restitution, a breathalyzer she has to blow into several times a day. Every year on the anniversary, she goes to jail for the weekend, she has to carry pics of Matt at all times, she has to write monthly letters to me about how she is doing, she has to fly to GA every year for two weeks to help me with whatever I may need. No license for two years, drug court for at least two years, a zero tolerance order, which means she could go 9.5 years, do perfect, get a speeding ticket and she goes straight to prison no questions asked for the entire 10 years. If she would’ve stayed in prison, her parole date is next August and then released on parole and unless she gets another felony, she will never do anymore time and no additional stipulations. “

Ross will also have to complete drug court, according to Judge Jennifer Pena, who presides over the 290th State District Court.

“She will also travel to and spend two weeks with the victim’s family to help with the care of the victim, she will write a letter monthly to the victim to discuss her progress in treatment, she will carry a picture of the victim to all her probation hearings,” Pena said.

About the Author
Brina Monterroza headshot

Brina is the Executive Producer of the NightBeat and KSAT Explains. She has been with KSAT since 2015. She is a Houston native and proud to call San Antonio home.