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Volunteers for Project Hope distribute food at Episcopal Church of the Holy Spirit

Registered recipients received roughly 60 pounds of food

SAN ANTONIO – With so many families in and around San Antonio dealing with difficult situations it’s inspiring to see organizations step up and help out.

Volunteers for Project Hope were up early Monday morning distributing pounds and pounds of food at Episcopal Church of the Holy Spirit.

Vicki Nelson went from volunteer to recipient of Project Hope, a program of the San Antonio Food Bank.

“People lost everything. They’ve gone without electricity or water, so to just have some water, food dropped off to them it means the world,” Nelson said.

Cars lined up with families in need of the food.

“It just really gives me a warm feeling in my heart when I see all of the recipients drive up and they receive their food, and the smiles on their faces,” volunteer John Thompson said.

Each one of the boxes is filled with roughly 60 pounds of food.

On top of the pandemic, last week’s winter weather didn’t make situations easier and knowing that fueled some of the volunteers.

“It’s a lot more motivation for us, basically you can see there’s more volunteers here today. I think last week really brought out that need and that knowing of that need to be here to serve,” Scott Bellair, Project Hope assistant facilitator said.

As for recipients like Vicki, the food isn’t just for her. When she receives it she says she actually goes and helps out others.

“It’s for those who don’t know about the program even, and some are kind of intimidated, embarrassed to admit that you know— that’s what we’re here for,” Nelson said.

To receive assistance you do need to be signed up for the Project Hope program and you can do that by clicking here.

About the Authors
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Max Massey is the GMSA weekend anchor and a general assignments reporter. Max has been live at some of the biggest national stories out of Texas in recent years, including the Sutherland Springs shooting, Hurricane Harvey and the manhunt for the Austin bomber. Outside of work, Max follows politics and sports, especially Penn State, his alma mater.

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