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How Texan are you? Take the quiz to find out.


Texas flag over Rio Grande (Pixabay)

SAN ANTONIO – Texans are known for having pride in their state.

There are myths that many Texans heard growing up that were sometimes taken as fact - like picking bluebonnets is illegal (it isn’t) and that Texas is the only state that can secede from the union (not true).

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But do you know your true Texas history? Take the short quiz below to find out:

So, how Texan are you? Here’s the KSAT breakdown:

  • 100% - You’re a true Texan!
  • 90% - Surely you just accidentally clicked the wrong thing, you know your Texas history.
  • 80% - No excuses this time. You need to brush up on your Texas facts.
  • 60-70% - You came into this unprepared. Take the quiz again and see if you learned from your mistakes.
  • 50% or lower - You must be new here.
