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Slow down! Are you suffering from hurry sickness?

ORLANDO, Fla. (Ivanhoe Newswire)– With the world finally opening back up after a year of COVID restrictions, Americans are in a rush to do just about everything. But psychologists are uncovering that being in a constant hurry may actually be a sickness of its own.

Do you have enough time? Never-ending to-do lists, jam-packed schedules, always multi-tasking, and feeling like you’re constantly behind? Are you suffering from hurry sickness? Hurry sickness is categorized by constant rushing, anxiety, and a persistent sense of urgency.

So how do you know if you suffer from hurry sickness? You treat everything like a race or find it impossible to do just one task at a time. You get angry when encountering even a small delay and always feel behind schedule. You might interrupt or talk over people, and you’re constantly checking off tasks and making lists. And doctors say chronic rushing weakens the immune system, wrecks sleep quality, and can drastically affect mental well-being.

Here are some ways psychologists suggest, to deal with hurry sickness:

  • Create criteria for what time-sensitive really means. Work on carving out small windows of time for self-care, and create stable morning and evening routines.
  • Grounding techniques can help those with hurry sickness relax.

Psychologists say that the growing need to do more in less and less time diverts attention and emotional bandwidth away from our relationships. They warn that when those we love don’t move at the same speed as us, it will ultimately end in loss of tempers, frustration, conflict, and even breakups and fallouts.