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Advance directive allows people to plan care wishes, appoint health care proxy to make decisions

ORLANDO, Fla. (Ivanhoe Newswire) – If you experience a catastrophic accident or illness that leaves you unconscious or unable to communicate, do your loved ones know what your wishes are?

In the U.S., it’s a taboo topic to talk about.

“Other cultures talk about dying. It’s a normal thing of life,” explained Pam Wald, a Compassion & Choices supporter.

But not talking about wants and wishes for end-of-life care now can lead to big problems later. An advance directive is a series of documents that allows a person to express their care wishes and appoint a health care proxy to make decisions on their behalf if they’re unable to.

Among terminally ill patients, fewer than 50 percent had advance directives. So, what should you know about advance directives? Well first, include a living will to decide what medical interventions, such as resuscitation, a feeding tube, or dialysis are acceptable. Also, states handle advance directives differently, so you may want to consult a lawyer.

“It’s good to review it every year,” shared Pam.

Since advance directives can be updated or even canceled. This could all help you get the care you deserve.

If you have an advance directive, make sure to give a copy to your doctor and other relevant medical healthcare providers. Between 65 and 76 percent of doctors were not aware some of their patients had an advance directive.

Contributors to this news report include: Milvionne Chery, Producer; and Roque Correa, Editor.