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Drugs, cartels, and gangs continue to be a problem in Bexar County, Sheriff Salazar says

Sheriff Salazar says the county has an organized crime unit working 24/7 to fight the problem

SAN ANTONIO – New government research shows that record numbers of Americans died of drug overdoses across the country.

In the 12-month period that ended in April, more than 100,000 Americans died of drug overdoses—that’s up almost 30% from the year before.

We know drugs are a big problem in and around our communities, which is why Bexar County Sheriff Javier Salazar joined Leading SA on Sunday.

Well, I mean, look, I think our problem here in San Antonio is just as bad, if not worse, than the rest of the country. Why? Because not only are we a destination, right, and drugs are ending up here, but we’re also a major hub for drugs coming into the country. They’re stopping here, being redistributed outwards. But then also, just by the fact that we’re on so many major interstates, drugs are coming right through our county on a daily basis,” Sheriff Salazar said.

Bexar County isn’t just fighting drugs and their distribution. But, there are also cartels and gangs.

“We are seeing more than our share of cartel activity, but also just organized crime locally. You know, we have an organized crime group that was formed up, reformed and formed up earlier this year. With regard to that, we’re stationed over at the TAG, the Texas Anti-Gang Center. That’s kind of a task force-type setting, but we have an entire group within the Sheriff’s Office Uniform Gang Unit... that are also working basically 24-7 to try to fight the problem,” Sheriff Salazar said.

There has also been an increase in violent crimes recently, but Sheriff Salazar said he’s not sure why it’s becoming a trend.

“I’m not sure why we’re seeing it. You know, here recently, we saw a rash of carjackings and attempted carjackings. As we know, we had the one that SAPD handled in the Quarry where the young lady was shot in the face. Around that same time, we had another young man that was successfully carjacked of his car on the west side of the county. We were able to make an arrest in that, but we’ve seen oh, and then shortly thereafter, on a Sunday morning at a Walmart on Foster Road, we saw an attempted carjacking by a 14-year -old. It just seems that violent crime is on the rise. I mean, we’re on top of it. We’re working with our partners federal, state and local. Obviously, the SAPD is giving a lot of their efforts toward it as well. But yes, gun violence is on the rise,” Sheriff Salazar said.

You can watch the full interview with Salazar in the video player above.

About the Author
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Max Massey is the GMSA weekend anchor and a general assignments reporter. Max has been live at some of the biggest national stories out of Texas in recent years, including the Sutherland Springs shooting, Hurricane Harvey and the manhunt for the Austin bomber. Outside of work, Max follows politics and sports, especially Penn State, his alma mater.
