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Investing for kids: Teaching teens the ups and downs of the stock market

Parents are now teaching pre-teens, teens the ins and outs of finance

ORLANDO, FLA. – More than five trillion, with a “T”, is sold, bought, and traded in the stock market each and every day and more and more twenty somethings are getting in on the game.

In fact, parents are now teaching their pre-teens and teens the ins and outs of the Dow Jones and NASDAQ.

Kids learn reading, writing, arithmetic. And now, the ups and downs of investing.

The first step… start with an allowance. The app Busykid, allows parents to match chores with your child’s age, and suggests the allowance amount and the frequency.

So, what’s the rate for cleaning the toilets? $2.50. Folding laundry is worth $4. Pulling weeds … $2.

Next, have your kids deal with debit and credit cards. Greenlight is an app where parents can pay their children through their bank accounts. Kids can have their own debit cards, get cash back, and even invest their money.

The key here, every trade needs a parent’s approval. And when they do make money, have them use it for something important. Roth IRA’s can be set up for kids of any age. With an initial invest of $500, and just an additional $500 investment every year in 50 years at 5%, they could have $120,000.

Also, to spark interest, set up a siblings or cousins investment club, or your child can start one at school.

The value comes from being able to share ideas, debate the importance of facts they learn about the companies and then vote on the best moves to make.
