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Taking out the trash: How San Antonio’s Solid Waste Department operates during severe weather

Solid waste department works through weather to pick up garbage

SAN ANTONIO – Severe weather can sometimes cause a stink for the City of San Antonio’s Solid Waste Department. But picking up the garbage day-in and day-out is a job that has to be done.

“It’s an important job. It’s a thankless job. I think a lot of people don’t realize all the stuff that goes on behind the scenes,” said Nick Galus, assistant director of COSA Solid Waste Department. “The last thing we want to do is leave any stinky garbage for any extended period of time.”

Coordination and communication during severe weather is key. Drivers get in at 6:30 a.m. and trucks roll out at approximately 7 a.m. The department monitors weather hourly and adjust routes to try and avoid the worst conditions throughout the city.

“A lot of these adjustments we have to make on the fly. Sometimes your cart may be picked up earlier or later,” said Galus.

Whether it’s freezing rain, sleet or snow, these unsung heroes are working to make sure the garbage gets picked up everyday, no matter the conditions. There is no work from home for these city employees.

During last February’s winter storm, solid waste workers were on the roads braving the elements.

“Last year, that was unprecedented. We still got the garbage picked up,” said Galus.

Galus added that even if solid waste workers are not there early to get the garbage, it will be picked up on your designated trash day. He offered this advice.

“Just make sure your cart is out by 7 a.m. and also don’t call until it’s like 5 p.m., the day of the service,” said Galus.

While most of us are trying to stay out of the cold, these city workers are still out there trying to keep our streets clean.

“We’ve got a job to do, and the men and women of the Solid Waste Department are taking care of business,” said Galus.


About the Authors
RJ Marquez headshot

RJ Marquez is the traffic anchor/reporter for KSAT’s Good Morning San Antonio. He also fills in as a news anchor and has covered stories from breaking news and Fiesta to Spurs championships and high school sports. RJ started at KSAT in 2010. He is proud to serve our viewers and be a part of the culture and community that makes San Antonio great.

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