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‘There’s a new lens to see things through’: City councilwoman reflects on new role as single mother

San Antonio District 7 Councilwoman Ana Sandoval’s daughter, Isadora, was born in June

SAN ANTONIO – San Antonio District 7 Councilwoman Ana Sandoval continues to serve her constituents as she learns to juggle her position on the city council and her new role as a mother.

Sandoval glowed with pride as she held baby Isadora, who was born in June.

“I’m feeling really inspired every time I see the baby, but also really tired,” Sandoval said jokingly.

The councilwoman will be quick to tell you that becoming a mother is something she has always wanted but kept putting off while she chased other opportunities and dreams. She holds degrees from MIT, Stanford, and Harvard and was elected in 2017 to serve the community where she grew up.

During the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, Sandoval had time to reflect on dreams she still hadn’t fulfilled.

“I wanted a baby, and the time was ticking away. And I didn’t want to basically wake up one day at the end of my term limits as a council member and say, ‘Oh, I could have done that and have missed this opportunity,’” she said.

In her 30s, Sandoval said she invested in her future and froze her eggs. With the full support of her family and friends, she decided to start her family on her terms.

“For me, it was not an easy decision at all,” she said. “I think, for a long time, I actually postponed having a baby because I thought it would be too hard to do it on my own.”

Sandoval said while it has been challenging, she’s grateful for the community and family support. She said the new role of mother has given her a deeper appreciation for what working single moms go through. “What I learned is that mothers and women who are expecting -- and once they have their children, they do so much more than meets the eye,” she said.

Sandoval said becoming a mother has also given her a greater passion for serving her community and making it a better place for Isadora.

“There’s a new lens to see things through,” she said.


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About the Authors
Patty Santos headshot

Patty Santos joined the KSAT 12 News team in July 2017. She has a proven track record of reporting on hard-hitting news that affects the community.

Joe Arredondo headshot

Joe Arredondo is a photojournalist at KSAT 12.