SAN ANTONIO – Everything is bigger in Texas — including the mums.
In true Texas homecoming tradition, homecoming mums are now being sported by high school students throughout the state.
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Hannah Theiss, a senior at Veterans Memorial High School, might take the trophy for biggest mum of the year.
Hannah’s mother Michelle Payne told KSAT that family friend Sara Ann Becerra made the massive mum.
“She did a few things in January but really started in the summer on and off and continuously been working the last three weeks on it,” Payne said.
“As for cost, it is hard to say as we bought stuff since freshman year such as ribbon in bulk and a bunch of toys and just add to the stash each year,” Payne explained. “I did have to some stuff to add this year such as the bigger flowers, lights, senior stuff, etc. I would say this year I probably spent between $300-$400 on stuff for it.”
Mums can range in cost from $20 to well over $500. Last year a viral TikTok video showcased mums from a different school, with students proudly announcing the cost of their mums.
Payne said Hannah saw a big senior mum last year in a TikTok video and asked for something similar.
“Not sure Hannah realized it would come to be. I always give Sara Ann free reign with Hannah’s mum every year. Hannah had no idea Sara Ann was doing this big of a one until she saw it last night when we picked it up. She was super excited,” said Payne.
Hannah’s mum weighs an estimated 30 pounds, according to Payne.
The Texas tradition of giving mums at homecoming came from Missouri, which the NCAA recognizes as the birthplace of homecoming. Boys would give their dates chrysanthemums to wear as a corsage during homecoming.
In the 1970s, however, the homecoming mum started growing into more than just a simple flower.
Mums now include a massive, silk chrysanthemum with ribbons, bells, bows, trinkets and even stuffed animals and LED lights.
The tradition has also sprouted the male version of the mum, the garter. Boys will wear their garter on the arm, and it typically matches the mum of their homecoming date.
Veterans Memorial High School will play Lockhart High School tonight at 7 p.m. at Rutledge Stadium for their homecoming game.
You can watch the game on KSAT’s Big Game Coverage page.
And we’d love to see your homecoming and homecoming mum pics. Upload them to KSAT Connect online or through the KSAT Weather App.