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Bullets tore through stomach, liver, diaphragm, lungs and arms of teen shot by SAPD officer, family says

‘His body has suffered so much from the damage and invasive surgeries,’ attorney reveals

Erik Cantu looks toward San Antonio Police Officer James Brennand while holding a hamburger in a fast food restaurant parking lot as the officer opens the car door in San Antonio, Texas. Brennand opened fire several times, wounding the unarmed teenager as he drove away. Brennand was fired after the shooting, and on Tuesday, Oct. 11 he was charged in connection with the shooting of Cantu, according to police. (San Antonio Police Department via AP, File) (Uncredited, San Antonio Police Department)

The attorney for the family of Erik Cantu sent an update on the 17-year-old’s condition over the weekend.

Brian Powers is representing the teenager who was shot by now-former San Antonio Police Department officer James Brennand in a McDonald’s parking lot on Oct. 2.

“Yesterday Erik struggled over 12 hours and it was a super hard day for him. Today is Day 14 of his struggle. It’s been two weeks of pure misery since the day Erik was shot multiple times at close range with a .40 caliber,” Powers told KSAT via email on Monday.

Cantu is currently on life support at University Hospital.

Powers also provided updates regarding specific injuries Cantu sustained in the shooting.

“The bullets brutally tore through his stomach, liver, diaphragm, lungs and arms. Bullets from the two rounds grazed him deeply on other places of his body,” Powers said. “His body has suffered so much from the damage and invasive surgeries to keep him alive.”

It’s the first update KSAT has been given in regard to the teen’s condition since learning Cantu was on life support on Oct. 11.

“We don’t know what the future holds and we ask for continued prayers. Today is a day of rest and we ask you to pray, think of Erik and send positive energy,” the family said via Powers.

SAPD released body-worn camera footage of the shooting three days following the incident.

San Antonio Police Chief William McManus called the video “horrific” and said, “there is no question in anybody’s mind looking at that video that the shooting is not justified.”

Brennand said he suspected the car Cantu was driving was stolen and called for cover before approaching the vehicle and opening the door.

Cantu was in his vehicle eating a hamburger with a 17-year-old female passenger when Brennand approached.

Brennand can be heard saying “get out of the car” as Cantu looks up from his meal.

The teen put the car in reverse and started backing out of the parking space with the door still open.

Brennand then starts firing shots into the vehicle with both teens still inside. He fires more shots into the back of the vehicle as Cantu puts the car in drive and attempts to leave the area.

The female passenger was not injured in the shooting.

Brennand has been charged with two counts of aggravated assault by a public servant, a first-degree felony.

He was released from jail on a $200,000 bond.

You can watch the video released by SAPD of the shooting below. WARNING: Video is graphic and viewer discretion is advised.

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