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San Antonio Sports programs igniting a love of sport in students

i play! Afterschool provides sport development in four sports at 60 San Antonio schools

SAN ANTONIO – The annual day of giving, Giving Tuesday, is now in its 10th year and a local organization participating is transforming our community through the power of sport.

Gloria Martinez says San Antonio Sports programs are changing the lives of children in our community.

“We have changed so many lives already. I have some kids that were in the program in the past and they are off in college making great choices,” Gloria Martinez, i Play! Afterschool coach said.

The i Play! Afterschool program at JT Brackenridge Elementary School ignites a love of sport in students while teaching them life lessons.

“Some of them had attendance problems and they are here every day on time. I greet them at the front. Some of them had behavior issues and their behaviors have since changed,” Martinez said.

The free program is in over 60 elementary schools around San Antonio.

“We bring early sport development to our kiddos and our community. Also with a focus on character development, nutrition, education and this year mental health and well-being,” Jenny Carnes, San Antonio Sports Senior Vice President said.

Carnes said donations keep the programs alive.

“It goes to our i Play! Afterschool program as well as our summer fitness program, Fit Family Challenge and it keeps our community active and healthy,” Carnes said.

The San Antonio Sports library of i play! Afterschool videos that teach the fundamentals of soccer, track, basketball and volleyball are available in the KSAT Kids section of and on KSAT’s Youtube page.

KSAT Kids has the full instructional video library and they provide fun ways for children to learn and practice their skills in the four sports listed above. They can be found by clicking here.

Also available is a junior Alpha Warrior series, that offers basic workout videos that teach balance, flexibility, and core strength.

The videos all feature expert instruction from professional athletes and can be used by parents and coaches alike.

The videos are designed so athletes can replicate the techniques at home by using equipment and objects around the house.

“San Antonio Sports’ mission is to transform our community through the power of sport. Sport has the power to transform individuals, neighborhoods and entire communities. Research shows there is a link between children who participate in sports and adults who experience professional and personal success,” said Carolyn Wheat, public relations manager for the local organization.

About the Authors
Tiffany Huertas headshot

Tiffany Huertas is a reporter for KSAT 12 known for her in-depth storytelling and her involvement with the community.

Robert Samarron headshot