SAN ANTONIO – San Antonio travelers are among millions nationwide whose holiday travel plans have been interrupted by flight cancellations and delays.
The winter weather was expected to lead to more than 3,000 cancellations across the country Friday.
As of early morning, screens showing departures and arrivals at San Antonio International Airport reflected only a handful of flights that were impacted.

However, some travelers had concerns about what awaited them as they traveled to other cities for connecting flights.
“We’re going from here to Denver and Denver is our problem area,” said Melanie Funk, who was traveling with her daughter and husband to Hawaii.

The trip was a graduation present for her daughter, Ashley, who just completed her Master’s degree.
“I’m just going with the flow right now, kind of being, like, it will happen when it happens,” said Ashley, trying not to worry.
Marva Williams, meanwhile, had made peace with her travel troubles Thursday night, when she was notified her flight to Houston would be delayed.
“This winter blast is just throwing everything out,” Williams said. “Our flight was originally planned for 6:30 and it was delayed until 7:10 so that’s not so bad.”
Williams and her family ultimately were headed to visit relatives in Memphis.
They were able to use the flight delay to their advantage and sleep a bit later.
However, the airport terminals Friday morning were filled with people who had bedded down where they could, sleeping without knowing exactly when they might make it home for the holidays.