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Civic leaders host rallies on Proposition A ahead of election day

The last day to vote early is Tuesday, May 2.

SAN ANTONIO – Two groups in support of and against Proposition A held rallies Saturday in San Antonio, encouraging voters to cast their ballots for the May 6th Election.

Act4SA and an elected official used their respective rallies to promote information on Prop A’s Cite and Release provision.

Act4SA Executive Director Ananda Tomas said if Prop A passes, it will allow police to maintain discretion in making arrests.

“Absolutely we want police to be able to have discretion, but it’s guided discretion if something citation eligible happens…they should be given a citation…to appear to the re-entry center,” Tomas said.

However, U.S. Rep. Tony Gonzales (R-District 23) said he does not agree with the guided discretion approach.

“San Antonio is a beautiful, welcoming place. We can’t just be giving out citations and warning people to not commit crimes. They have to be held accountable for the crimes they commit,” Gonzales said.

Tomas said if a police officer uses discretion to issue a citation to an eligible non-violent person, it could give that person a second chance.

“They pay restitution back from property damage. They give back to the community and get the services they need so they don’t feel so desperate to fall to crime and into theft. Poverty is the biggest precursor to crime and we are actively fighting that,” she said.

Gonzales said the priority is giving officers what is needed to carry out safety laws.

“I think San Antonio is a city that wants balance. We want to have fun. We want to enjoy. We also want to be safe. We want to ensure that our police department has all the tools necessary to ensure that happens,” he said.

The last day of early voting is Tuesday May 2. Election day is Saturday May 6.

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About the Authors
Santiago Esparza headshot

Santiago Esparza is a photojournalist at KSAT 12.