Mother arrested after allegedly letting her daughters assault middle school classmates, video shows

Sabrina Medina allowed the assault to carry on for 21 seconds, records say

Sabrina Medina mugshot (Bexar County Jail)

SAN ANTONIO – A mother has been arrested after allegedly letting her daughters assault two 14-year-old victims after school in May.

Sabrina Medina, 30, was arrested Monday on a state felony charge of reckless bodily injury to a child. Her bond was set at $10,000 and she was released from jail the same day, records show.

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According to an arrest warrant affidavit, Medina picked up her four kids around 3:30 p.m. on May 31 from Luna Middle School when her two daughters saw classmates who were walking home near the intersection of Hollow Grove and Macy Trail Street.

One of Medina’s daughters exited her mother’s SUV and began assaulting one of the victims while Medina’s other daughter also exited the vehicle and began assaulting the second victim.

The affidavit states that Medina’s daughters pulled the victims down to the sidewalk by their hair and started punching them in their faces.

During an investigation, a video of the assault was found on one of Medina’s daughter’s social media accounts.

In the video, Medina and one of her sons can be heard saying “oh s**t” multiple times. Medina is then heard asking her son if he is recording the assault, to which he replies yes.

Police said the video very clearly shows Medina’s daughters assaulting the victims while one of Medina’s sons can be heard saying “beat that b****es a**.”

One of the daughters can also be heard saying “remember that s**t when you try to f***ing stand up to me. Remember that s**t you big a** f***ing b***h.”

Then a man can be heard in the video running up the sidewalk in an attempt to stop the assaults and Medina is heard telling her daughters to get back in the car, the affidavit states.

Investigators were able to determine that Medina let her children assault the victims for 21 seconds before telling them to get in the vehicle as the Good Samaritan ran up to intervene.

Both victims showed redness and bruising on their faces during subsequent interviews with San Antonio police later that evening.

Officers then took statements from Medina and her children and found that their version of events was not truthful based on the recorded video posted online by Medina’s daughter.

A warrant was issued for Medina’s arrest on Thursday and she was arrested Monday. Medina refused to be interviewed by police following her arrest.

Bexar County court records show Medina was charged with assault in March 2018 but her case was dismissed later that year while she was awaiting trial.

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