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Have $25 for back-to-school clothing? Try thrifting.

Goodwill cutting clothing prices in half Friday-Sunday

SAN ANTONIO – Jailynn Jittlertmengkol is a “thriftanista.” By shopping at Goodwill, she’s curating her first-class back-to-school look on a second-hand budget.

“You can find really cool pieces,” she said.

Even the trendy top and skirt she wore shopping came from her favorite thrift store.

For Gloria Villanueva, it can get expensive outfitting four kids for school, so she stopped at the Goodwill store on Potranco Road.

“You can find things for $1 and $2 instead of going to the store where they will be $10 for just a shirt,” she said.

The retail industry estimates that a family with children in kinder through high school will spend an average of $357 on clothing alone.

So what can you get at Goodwill for just $25?

Seventh-grader Emma Peterson was eager to accept the challenge.

“I think I’ll be able to find lots of shirts,” she said.

Inflation is squeezing the school apparel and supplies budget for many families.

Friday through Sunday can be a smart time to shop. Goodwill will cut the price of clothing in half, and Texans will pay no sales tax on most clothing, shoes and school supplies this weekend.

Rummaging the racks can get overwhelming. So what’s the secret to a successful thrift store treasure hunt?

“I think the key to finding things that are goodwill is to come with an open mind and then to take their time as well,” said Goodwill’s Liddy Castillo.

So, how did Emma do? She found five shirts, a cover-up top and a Sherpa pullover, all within budget. And this weekend, she can get twice the back-to-class haul for her buck.

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