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Two new facility dogs bring smiles to staff at Brooke Army Medical Center

Aja and Hershey were commissioned as Army officers

SAN ANTONIO – There are two new facility dogs helping comfort, support and spread love to staff at Brooke Army Medical Center or BAMC.

Aja and Hershey were commissioned as Army officers, with Aja to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel and Hershey to the rank of Major.

KSAT followed Lt. Col. Kristen Shear, a nurse scientist with Lt. Col. Aja, as they visited staff at the hospital and brought smiles.

“We love having Aja. If it’s a bad day, if it’s a good day, she just makes it better,” Sandra Hunt, a registered nurse said.

“Out of the four facility dogs, Aja has the most energy,” Lt. Col. Shear said.

BAMC’s facility dogs are provided by America’s VetDogs.

“Americas VetDogs breeds and trains dogs both for three purposes. For facility dogs, service dogs, individuals, as well as guide dogs,” Lt. Col. Shear said.

Aja knows dozens of commands, including giving hugs.

“Aja loves giving hugs and that’s one of those tasks as she puts her head on the persons should it triggers this decrease stress response,” Lt. Col. Shear said.

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