Youth Do Vote, Trinity University to host a Youth Voter and Poll Worker Fest this Friday

Organizers say they want to make sure young voters have their questions answered ahead of November 5th

SAN ANTONIO – Youth Do Vote, a nonprofit focused on increasing young voter turnout, is spending the day on Trinity University’s campus teaching more than 400 high school students about the election process.

Organizers say they want to capitalize on the excitement of a presidential race to teach young people how they can stay civically engaged.

“If we can help folks find access to reliable and trustworthy, credible information and resources, and then equip them with helping to get them to the polls and making that plan to vote, then I think we’ve done our job,” said Jaimie Thompson with Trinity University’s Division of Student Affairs.

Friday’s event will feature a lecture from professors in the political science department. Students will have a Q&A session with organizations like the League of Women Voters of San Antonio and the Mexican American Civil Rights Institute before registering to vote or learning about becoming an election worker.

Thompson said they want to dissuade fears younger voters may have about voting.

“I think it’s about that nervousness that makes the education and the information sharing and those credible resources so important. Right? So, if you’re a first-time voter there, you might not know what to expect. In fact, you don’t know what to expect,” she said.

The event will be held on Trinity’s campus from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.

About the Author
Devan Karp headshot

Devan Karp is a GMSA reporter. Originally from Houston, Devan fell in love with local journalism after Hurricane Harvey inundated his community and reporters from around the state came to help. He earned a Bachelor's degree in Communication from Trinity University. Devan's thrilled to be back in San Antonio covering the people, culture and news.

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