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San Antonio ACS urges thoughtful pet adoptions ahead of the holiday gift-giving season

All adopted pets through ACS will be sterilized, vaccinated and microchipped

SAN ANTONIO – The giving season is here, and many people love giving pets as a gift. However, San Antonio Animal Care Services (ACS) is cautioning adopters to think before making such a big decision.

“People decide they want to give pets as presents, and they don’t think about this being a lifetime commitment. You are committing to the lifetime of that pet,” said Lisa Norwood, public relations manager for ACS.

Part of the commitments of owning a pet are health care costs, providing food, toys, etc. A surprise pet as a gift is cute, but it’s best to know if the person you’re gifting the animal to is prepared for the tasks involved with owning an animal.

“Animal Care Services does not discourage shopping for the holidays (or) shopping for a pet as a present, but what we do insist upon is that every time that you make that decision, that it’s a thoughtful one,” Norwood said.

Other things to remember before adopting a pet this holiday season are the following:

  • Will that pet fit the lifestyle of the gift recipient?
  • Does the person you’re adopting for have a more laid-back lifestyle?
  • Are they always on the go and want an animal that can go with them?

“This isn’t about love at first sight, or ‘I must have this pet because they look a certain way.’ It’s about what is going to be the best pet for my lifestyle or for the gift recipient’s lifestyle,” said Norwood.

It is also important to remember to not give up on that pet after it comes into the home. Cats and dogs can take months to get comfortable in the home setting.

“For some pets, it may be easy peasy. For other pets, it might be a little scary living inside a house,” Norwood said.

Some animals, at the beginning of their stay in the home, might hide, have behavioral issues or have other issues that may arise. It’s important to remember adjusting to something new takes time and patience.

“Every pet has a personality just like you and I have personalities,” said Norwood.

If you are not 100% sure the gift recipient is ready for the animal, get them a gift certificate or a stuffed animal, or take them to the shelter so they can pick out a pet that is best for them.

Before heading to ACS, you can look at all the cats and dogs available for adoption on their website. You can filter the search type of animal, age and gender.

Adoption is always the best option for getting a pet. According to Norwood, buying a pet from a backyard breeder or illegal seller can pose dangerous risks. Those include:

  • Lack of veterinary care
  • Inbreeding and overbreeding
  • Poor socialization/unpredictable behavior
  • No documentation/falsified veterinary records

According to Texas law, it is illegal for pets to be sold on the side of the road, in parking lots or other unauthorized spaces. Any breeder who sells in-person or online must have a display of all required littler and seller permits.

When adopting an animal from ACS, all pets will be sterilized, vaccinated and microchipped.

About the Author
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Halee Powers is a KSAT producer primarily focused on digital newscasts and events.