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‘I don’t want to quit’: Longtime owner of Ma Harper’s Creole Kitchen faces struggles

Sean Wen, another restaurant owner, has organized a fundraiser to help

SAN ANTONIO – After 33 years, the owner of the longtime East Side staple, Ma Harper’s Creole Kitchen, still gets joy from satisfying the cravings of her customers.

“It smells good,” Alice “Ma” Harper said, beaming with pride over a perfectly cooked brisket on Thursday morning.

This particular meal, though, will go toward another of her passions — helping members of the community.

The food was prepared for workers at Esperanza Court, an arm of the legal system that assists newly released inmates and others entangled in the justice system.

“It really is the best Creole food in San Antonio,” said Linda Thorpe, who works with the organization. Thorpe stopped by to pick up the holiday meal.

Even better than Harper’s food, Thorpe said, is the help she provides to the community, particularly to criminal offenders.

“Not too many employers were willing to give them a second chance,” Thorpe said. “So, Ma Harper has definitely been a big help with that.”

Lately, though, Harper has found herself in need.

She said the mounting costs of doing business in that fast-changing area of the city are becoming a burden.

“The air conditioner (breaks), it’s on me. Everything breaks, it’s on me,” Harper said. “I don’t want to quit. All I’m asking is, ‘Lord, if I could get a building.’”

While she’s relying on her faith in God to get her through this time, it seems at least one man has heard her prayers.

Local business owner Sean Wen said he decided to step in and do his part to help after hearing about Harper’s plight through a mutual friend.

Wen owns two restaurants himself: Curry Boys BBQ and Pinch Boil House.

However, he said competition never entered his mind. Wen is all about cooperation.

“Why would we not want to help someone who’s just super selfless, always looking to help others?” Wen told KSAT.

Wen said he was honored to be considered to collaborate with Harper.

Wen sat down recently with the 95-year-old to discuss his idea: to hold a fundraiser offering a merged menu.

“What she means to the city and what she means to the food industry and the hospitality industry is kind of like the shining star, the North Star, of what we’re supposed to be doing,” Wen said.

Harper, who hails from humble beginnings in Louisiana, has always worked hard to accomplish her goals.

The self-made business owner said she finds it difficult to accept help.

However, Harper said is grateful for Wen’s help.

The fundraiser will be held between 5 p.m. and 9 p.m. on Friday at Ma Harper’s Creole Kitchen located at 1816 North New Braunfels Avenue in San Antonio.

Wen said food will be served until it runs out. All proceeds will go to Harper.

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About the Authors
Katrina Webber headshot

Katrina Webber joined KSAT 12 in December 2009. She reports for Good Morning San Antonio. Katrina was born and raised in Queens, NY, but after living in Gulf Coast states for the past decade, she feels right at home in Texas. It's not unusual to find her singing karaoke or leading a song with her church choir when she's not on-air.

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