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You asked, we answered: Here's what San Antonians are asking about scooters

SAN ANTONIO – Dockless scooters and bicycles are turning up everywhere.

The trend is fairly new to the city, and several viewers have reached out to KSAT with questions. Reporter Bill Barajas took some of those questions and spent the day searching for answers.

Here's some questions our viewers asked us to answer: 

  • Scooters travel way too fast, and underage people are using the scooters and behaving irresponsibly. How can underage riders be reported and or cited?

  • Why are bikes and scooters on the Riverwalk?

  • What is the city doing with the funds the scooter companies are paying?

Want to know the answers? Just click on the video above to learn more. 

RELATED: Here's everything you need to know about dockless scooters, bikes in SA

Editor's Note: The questions have been edited for clarity.

Want to know more?

As the city continues to weigh the future of dockless scooters and bikes, the story about them will coninue to evolve. 

What questions do you have about dockless scooters and bikes? Ask us a question below and we'll do our best to look into it!

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About the Author
Bill Barajas headshot

Reporter, proud Houstonian, U of H alumni, and lover of all the hometown sport teams.
