HOLMDEL, New Jersey – Thomas Tramaglini, 42, has been dubbed the “pooper-intendent” on social media following allegations that he has been defecating on the football field at Holmdel High School.
Tramaglini is the superintendent of Kenilworth Public Schools in New Jersey, though he is currently on a paid leave of absence following the accusations.
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Leave can only be unpaid if a person is indicted or faces tenure charges, the district said, citing state law, NJ.com reports.
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Tramaglini was caught in the act at the school’s football field after surveillance was set up to catch whoever was defecating on the field every day, according to NJ.com.
Tramaglini is being charged with defecating in public, lewdness and littering, according to reports.
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Twitter users have been poking fun at the crappy nickname:
Some of the responses to the Kenilworth superintendent story.
— New Jersey 101.5 (@nj1015) May 3, 2018
"Lucky ... I can only go twice a week."
"What a relief to the custodial staff."
"I'm glad they found the poopetrator."https://t.co/7JrrUd5xcL
Bro my friend in Brooklyn heard about the pooperintendent, Kenilworth is getting mad hype 👌🏻I knew him when pic.twitter.com/IJ2at1Ca6h
— madison (@Madison_Calello) May 4, 2018
Whoever came up with #Pooperintendent is the hero we needed tonight. Thank you, sir or lady.
— Steven Mackay (@sdamackay) May 4, 2018
*clears throat* pooperintendent
— your pal andy (@andylevy) May 3, 2018