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NEISD board members approve boundary changes

Bush Middle School students to attend Reagan High School

SAN ANTONIO – The North East Independent School District board of trustees approved some new boundary changes Monday night that will affect where some students attend high school next year.

Board members voted unanimously to approve the changes to the Reagan and Johnson high school feeder patterns.

Under the current boundaries, 95 percent of students attending Bush Middle School end up attending Reagan High School, while just 5 percent go to Johnson High School.

The new boundary will send all Bush students to Reagan.

The board included a grandfather clause that should help families adjust to the new boundaries.

"Boundary changes are not anything that anyone looks forward to. It's always going to affect a family," said Aubrey Chancellor, an NEISD spokeswoman. "So we really wanted to try and get a win-win situation and offer families a really liberal grandfather clause. And at this point we're going to allow grades 6 through 12 to decide whether they want to attend Johnson or Reagan."

The board also approved another boundary change affecting Encino Park and Bulverde Creek elementary schools, but the area impacted by the change is currently undeveloped so no students are affected.

The district said boundary changes are necessary to balance enrollment at its high schools and in high growth areas.