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San Antonio City Council members, mayor ready to work for constituents

Inauguration held Wednesday evening

SAN ANTONIO – A unified council with a new vision for the city: that’s the goal of the newly elected mayor and City Council members.

Mayor Ron Nirenberg and six new council members were introduced in front of a crowd of hundreds during their official inauguration Wednesday evening.

The new leaders arrived by boat and were greeted with cheers and hugs.

The mayor and council members said they are ready to work for their constituents.

“There’s a a lot of work to do. This is a growing city. The challenges are there, but we are also embracing the fact that we are a city of the world,” Nirenberg said.

The council members were called up to a podium one by one to speak. Each of them thanked their family, friends and supporters.

“We can do this alone. We need you,” newly elected District 2 Councilman William “Cruz” Shaw said.

The six new members belong to districts 2, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10.

“I'm going to be thinking about those at City Hall that are striving to do the little things. Those that can't make their paychecks meet week to week, those who are struggling just to above minimum wage to feed their families (and) the women who are raising their children by themselves,” District 6 Councilman Greg Brockhouse said.

Nirenberg’s mission is to unify the new council. He also outlined his plans for the Alamo City.

“I want to have a strong economy that’s building jobs, 21st century jobs, and also strengthening our local small business. We need to build a modern transportation system for the city of San Antonio,” he said.

The council’s first official order of business will take place at City Hall on Thursday morning. A few items on the agenda include capital improvements and the river barge design.



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About the Author
Bill Barajas headshot

Reporter, proud Houstonian, U of H alumni, and lover of all the hometown sport teams.